I've known Kaitlyn since grade seven, but I hadn't known about her artistic talent until grade nine, when I first saw her work. I wish she could photograph my outfits everyday! Her artwork is simple, pure, and beautiful, to name a few fitting words to describe her gorgeous art.

It's this work of art that inspired me to blog about Kaitlyn. Here's the backstory of the photo, as written by Kaity herself:
this man is 28 years old, he was kicked out of his home when he was 17. he has been living in toronto for the past 11 years on his own, being only able to buy food and clothes about once every two months, if lucky. the reason i stopped to talk to him was because he was smiling..at me. sounds creeepy i know. i sat down beside him and he asked me about my camera, and i told him that i loved art. he told me when he was younger he loved art also. i asked him why he was kicked out of his house, and he told me that it was because he was gay. i then asked him if he realized what it said behind him...and he said he knew, because he painted it. this is where he lives, in that exact spot hes sitting.
i dont know if you noticed but it said "nothing will change"
i asked him if we could do an art project together. so we walked down to spadina ave, baught a can of paint and together we painted "everything will change."
Kaitlyn = absolutely amazing.