I have fallen prey to the three-month-ahead-of-time fashion promotion, and am looking now at spring styles. It's January and there must be a foot of snow, but that doesn't stop a girl from dreaming!

I bought a knock-off pair from Wal-Mart for eight bucks with fantastic arch support. The problem: they were way too narrow for my boats called 'feet'. It was depressing. You can imagine my delight when I found out that Keds come in EXTRA WIDE. Style and comfort, score! It's hard to find classic footwear that fits.

Yes, I secretly want to be a fairy. Spring is a time when flowers are in bloom, so what better way to celebrate than with an aesthetically pleasing daisy chain?

The season of rain does not have to be the season of pain! I would prefer not to sacrifice style for dryness, or vice versa. Polkadots + waterproof = happiness.

Maybe it`s a child-of-the-ninteties thing, but I harbour a secret love for jean jackets.

On cooler, casual days when I don't wanna bother with tights, leggings are a nice alternative to track pants; they are much more flattering than my baggy bum sweats. Leggings would even be good to wear now, in January -perfect to pair with old man sweaters!

The more I dress myself on winter mornings, the more I realize that I have no skirts for spring! I'm apprehensive about wearing chiffon, as I am more curvy than twiggy, but the circle shape of this skirt could actually potentially be flattering.

Pearl earrings really have nothing to do with spring itself, but maybe some bravery will bloom inside of me, and I will finally get my ears pierced!